- DMCNN - ACL2015 中科院
- HMEAE - EMNLP2019 清华
- Graph Convolutional Networks with Argument-Aware Pooling for Event Detection -AAAI2018 GCN事件检测
- The Natural Language Decathlon: Multitask Learning as Question Answering -stanford decaNLP
- Entity-Relation Extraction as Multi-Turn Question Answering - ACL2019 香侬科技 多轮QA实体关系抽取
- A Unified MRC Framework for Named Entity Recognition - ACL2020香侬科技 MRC框架的NER
- Description Based Text Classifification with Reinforcement Learning -ICML2020香侬科技 基于类别描述的文本分类
- DeepMet: A Reading Comprehension Paradigm for Token-level Metaphor Detection -ACL2020 杭州电子科技 阅读理解范式的隐喻检测
- Event Extraction by Answering (Almost) Natural Questions 阅读理解范式的事件抽取
- Recurrent Chunking Mechanisms for Long-Text Machine Reading Comprehension -ACL2020微软 长文本机器阅读理解
- Retrospective Reader for Machine Reading Comprehension -上交 Squad2.0榜 回顾式阅读器
- Chinese NER Using Lattice LSTM - ACL2018
- BiLSTM-Label Attention Network - EMNLP2019 github
- 基于查询的命名实体识别 - 香侬科技
- CNN-Based Chinese NER with Lexicon Rethinking -IJCAI2019 复旦
- Leverage Lexical Knowledge for Chinese Named Entity Recognition via Collaborative Graph Network -EMNLP2019 中科院
- A Lexicon-Based Graph Neural Network for Chinese NER -EMNLP2019 复旦
- FLAT: Chinese NER Using Flat-Lattice Transformer -ACL2020 复旦